Monday, 9 April 2018

Important Points related to E-way Bill (GST Act)

Q-1 What has to be done, if the validity of the e-way bill expires?
If validity of the e-way bill expires, the goods are not supposed to be moved. However, under circumstance of ‘exceptional nature and trans-shipment’, the transporter may extend the validity period after updating reason for the extension and the details in PART-B of FORM GST EWB-01.

Q-2 Can I extend the validity of the e-way bill?
Yes, one can extend the validity of the e-way bill, if the consignment is not being reached the destination within the validity period due to exceptional circumstance like natural calamity, law and order issues, trans-shipment delay, accident of conveyance, etc. The transporter needs to explain this reason in details while extending the validity period.

Q-3 Who can extend the validity of the e-way bill?
The transporter, who is carrying the consignment as per the e-way bill system at the time of expiry of validity period, can extend the validity period.

Q-4 How to extend the validity period of e-way bill?
There is an option under e-way bill to extend the validity period. This option is available for extension of e-way bill before 4 hours and after 4 hours of expiry of the validity. Here, transporter will enter the e-way bill number and enter the reason for the requesting the extension, from place (current place), approximate distance to travel and Part-B details. It may be noted that he cannot change the details of Part-A. He will get the extended validity based on the remaining distance to travel.

Press Release regarding E-way Bill
March 10, 2018
Recommendations made during the 26th meeting of the GST Council held in New Delhi on 10th March 2018

In the meeting held on 10th March, 2018, the GST Council has recommended the Introduction of e-way bill for inter-State movement of goods across the country from 01st April 2018. For intra-State movement of goods, e-way bill system will be introduced w.e.f. a date to be announced in a phased manner but not later than 01st June, 2018.

Major improvements over the last set of rules, as approved by the Council now, are as follows:
  1. ·        E-way bill is required to be generated only where the value of the consignment exceeds Rs. 50000/-. For Smaller value consignments, no e-way bill is required.
  2. ·        The provisions of sub-rule (7) of Rule 138 will be notified from a later date. Therefore, at present there is no requirement to generate e-way bill where an individual consignment value is less than Rs. 50,000/-, even if the transporter is carrying goods of more than Rs. 50,000/- in a single conveyance.
  3. ·        Value of exempted goods has been excluded from value of the consignment, for the purpose of e-way bill generation.
  4. ·        Public conveyance has also been included as a mode of transport and the responsibility of generating e-way bill in case of movement of goods by public transport would be that of the consignor or consignee.
  5. ·        Railways has been exempted from generation and carrying of e-way bill with the condition that without the production of e-way bill, railways will not deliver the goods to the recipient. But railways are required to carry invoice or delivery challan etc.
  6. ·        Time period for the recipient to communicate his acceptance or rejection of the consignment would be the validity period of the concerned e-way bill or 72 hours, whichever is earlier.
  7. ·        In case of movement of goods on account of job-work, the registered job worker can also generate e-way bill. Consignor can authorize the transporter, courier agency and e-commerce operator to fill PART-A of e-way bill on his behalf.
  8. ·        Movement of goods from the place of consignor to the place of transporter up to a distance of 50 Km [increased from 10 km] does not require filling Of PART-B of e-way bill. They have to generate PART-A of e-way bill.
  9. ·        Extra validity period has been provided for Over Dimensional Cargo (ODC).

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